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Sunday, July 18, 2010

When Your Mate Stops Calling

Question: If my boyfriend stops saying I love you and stops returning my messages with no explanation, should I continue to text him or should I just leave him alone?

Click on comments to read Laura's advice.
Laura NP


Eleventh Hour LLC said...

Dear Nancy,
Well your boyfriend is definitely sending you some sort of message. More importantly, he is being a bit rude by not talking to you. I suggest you ask him outright why things seem different between the two of you. You can say something like,"Things seem different between us, is there something on your mind?" If he continues to be evasive, you may want to end things yourself as it would seem he may not be mature enough to say how he feels. Don't wait around too long for things to improve, you deserve better treatment and you deserve the truth from your mate...whether it's good news or bad. Good luck and let us know how things go.