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Monday, September 19, 2011

Smarties For Dummies - An Ode to Michele Bachmann

Who doesn't like candy? I like candy! Michele Bachmann probably likes candy don't you think!? Well after she ate some crow for that stupid HPV vaccine comment, I'd like to offer her some of those tasty little smarties candies...cause she needs them!

Smarties For Dummies - An Ode to Michele Bachmann
(Dear Michele, an ode is a lyric poem typically of elaborate or irregular metrical form and expressive of exalted or enthusiastic emotion.)

A little pink candy, so sweet and tart
Like Bachmann's words, a spun mythical fart

A little blue candy, such a pleasing infusion
She declared New Hampshire the birthplace of the Revolution

A smiling religious zealot,
Her husband Marcus claims to cure gays.
He does it in counseling,
And somehow gets paid.

Marcus and Michele
A cute couple for sure!
But a box of rocks for brains,
Smartie candy can't cure.

I so desperately want to vote for a woman for president.  Mostly because I'm a woman whose felt and seen our oppression! But can someone please tell Bachmann and Palin the truth....that they say the stupidest things and that they make the rest of us look bad!

When Bachmann announced her run in Hew Hampshire, she said,  "It's your state that fired the shot that was heard around the world!  You are the state of Lexington and Concord, you started the battle for liberty right here in your backyard." ok....ummm...wrong state! Totally embarrassing right!?

Then she spoke about the HPV vaccine. During a debate she questioned a state's authority to force "innocent little 12-year-old girls" to have a "government injection" that was "potentially dangerous."
The following day, she told NBC's "Today" show the story of a woman from Tampa, Florida, who approached her after the debate and said her daughter became "mentally retarded" after getting the Gardasil vaccine made by Merck.  Michele Bachmann needs to shut up! She has a lot of nerve making these statements! As a health care professional, I am telling you that the HPV vaccine is a good thing! A very good thing!

Bottom line...don't listen to politicians or celebrities when they talk about vaccines and medical or psychiatric advice. Please don't.  And, I'm wondering if all the smart and savvy women out there aren't running for political office because....well probably because they ARE smart and savvy!!